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Classic bolt action, grade-action bolt action or semi-automatic for driven hunts?

Gunfinder Magazine

Driven hunts place special demands on hunters and their equipment. One of the most important decisions concerns the choice of weapon. Classic bolt-action rifles, grade-action rifles and semi-automatic rifles are all available. But which weapon is best suited for driven hunts? This article analyzes and compares the advantages and disadvantages of these types of weapons.

Classic bolt action


  1. Reliability: these weapons are known for their robustness and durability.
  2. Precision: a well adjusted classic repeater offers high shooting precision.
  3. Tradition: For many hunters, the classic bolt action embodies hunting tradition.


  1. Speed: Reloading takes longer compared to semi-autos and grade-draw repeaters.
  2. Handling: The repeating process requires more movement and can be impractical, especially under pressure.

Grade Draw Repeater


  1. Speed: The repeating process is significantly faster than with classic repeaters.
  2. Handling: The movement during repeating is straightforward and intuitive.
  3. Precision: The modern technology and design allow for high shooting accuracy.


  1. Price: Grade-draw repeaters are often more expensive than classic repeaters.
  2. Takes some getting used to: for hunters who have grown up with classic bolt action rifles, the handling can take some getting used to.



  1. Speed: After each shot, the next cartridge is automatically reloaded.
  2. Follow-up shots: Quick follow up shots are possible without any problems.
  3. Handling: Less manualhandling between shots.


  1. Complexity: Semiautomatics are more complex in their mechanics, which can lead to potential malfunctions.
  2. Cleaning and maintenance: They require regular and thorough cleaning.
  3. Regulatory restrictions: In some countries or regions, semi-autos are restricted or prohibited for hunting.


Choosing the right gun for driven hunting depends on several factors, including personal preferences, hunting conditions and regulatory requirements. While the classic bolt-action rifle embodies tradition and reliability, grade-action rifles offer a combination of speed and accuracy. Semiautomatics score points for their ability to make quick follow-up shots, but require careful maintenance and are not permitted everywhere. Ultimately, the decision should be based on a combination of experience, need and the specific requirements of the hunting environment.

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