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Daten, Fakten & Informationen

Short-barreled cartridges are those cartridges that can be fired from short-barreled weapons (pistols, revolvers and weapons less than 60cm in total length). There are shotgun cartridges as well as "bullet" cartridges for handguns. The former, however, are much rarer and are hardly used.

The normally used handgun cartridges are similar in design to rifle cartridges. With one shot, one projectile is fired precisely - in contrast to the shotgun cartridge, where many small bullets are shot scattered.

Short rifle cartridges are mostly used for sporting comparative shooting, but are occasionally used for hunting. Here they are used either for their own safety in an emergency against defensible game, or in the context of trap shooting and trapping.

The cost of handgun cartridges varies greatly depending on the caliber and the type of laboratory and bullet. As a rule, cartridges are sold in packages of 50 pieces. Such a package of full metal jacket cartridges of the popular short gun caliber 9mm Parabellum costs between 10€-20€.

Short-barreled shotgun cartridges can be purchased by anyone who has a valid purchase authorization (hunting license for hunters, WBK for sport shooters).

Short-barreled ammunition can be purchased either at your local gunsmith / gun dealer. Many hunters also buy their ammunition at their local Frankonia branch. But you can also purchase ammunition of any kind online. you can quickly find the right ammunition for your handgun thanks to intelligent filters and great offers.

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