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Mauser is one of the oldest and internationally best known German gun manufacturers. The company's most famous invention is the 98 system, which was considered one of the most advanced weapon systems ever made by German manufacturers. The Model 98 (M98) has served the various German army forms as an ordnance weapon since 1898.

Even today, Mauser weapons are "made in Germany." Mauser hunting rifles are manufactured at the Blaser factory in Isny, Baden-Württemberg. Mauser still stands for classic bolt action rifles whose bolt system is based on the original 98 bolt system. With this system, the safety acts directly on the firing pin, which is why Mauser bolt-action rifles are considered very safe.

Furthermore, the 98 bolt system is also very popular with big game hunters. The so-called "Magnum" version of the M98 bolt action has been used for hunting in Africa for several decades. Here, the fact that the system can be cleaned very easily and without the need for special tools, and that it runs reliably even under precarious climatic conditions, is particularly appreciated.

With the bolt action M18, Mauser offers a rifle that is very simple on the outside and is intended to convince above all with its price-performance ratio.

Price range: 1,000€ - 5,000€

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