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3 Bock double barreled shotguns for the Niederwildhege

1) Antonio Zoli Columbus

Antonio Zoli Columbus
Antonio Zoli ColumbusThe Columbus from Antonio Zoli is a hunting double-barreled shotgun that combines the technical and optical characteristics of high-end shotguns with the price of the mid-range...

2) Antonio Zoli GC Expert

Antonio Zoli GC Expert
With the Zoli GC Expert comes a high performer for hunting as well as competition - true to the abbreviation GC: Game and Competition.The elegant steel base is highly polished and black burnished -...

3) Browning B725 Game True Left Hand 12M

Browning B725 Game True Left Hand 12M
Put your pleasure at the heart of the game. The base of the B725 Game is made of steel and features attractive knurled engravings. Its nitrided finish gives it a particularly appealing gray appeara...

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