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Survival, Buscraft, Prepping? A short overview

Gunfinder Magazine

In an increasingly uncertain world, survival strategies and skills have become a growing topic of interest. From survival and tactical to bushcraft and prepping: There are several approaches to preparing for unpredictable situations. Each of these approaches has its own advantages and disadvantages and is perceived differently in society. This text will provide you with an overview of these strategies, their potential benefits and risks, and how they are viewed in our society. Whether you simply want to improve your personal safety or are an outdoor enthusiast, it is important to understand the different options and perspectives in this area.


Survival refers to surviving in difficult or dangerous conditions. People who learn survival skills train to be able to survive in emergencies, such as after natural disasters. This may include the ability to find food and water, build shelter, build fire, and perform first aid. In society, survival is often seen as a useful skill, but it is usually only needed in extreme situations. There is a strong community of survival enthusiasts, but also many people who are not actively involved in the subject.

The biggest benefit from learning survival skills is that it boosts self-confidence and helps to act safely and effectively in emergencies. However, excessive focus on survival scenarios can also fuel fears and lead to unnecessary panic.


Tactical refers to the application of strategic planning and execution of actions to address emergency situations. This may include understanding terrain and environment, camouflage, defensive and offensive strategies, and emergency management. Tactical equipment is often associated with military or law enforcement applications. Tactical skills and equipment are often associated with militarized or law enforcement environments, which can lead to mixed perceptions, which is why employing Tactial Training is often viewed with skepticism.

Tactical skills can be useful in a variety of emergency situations and can enhance a sense of security and control.However, a focus on tactical skills can also lead to an overestimation of threats and promote unnecessary conflict.


Bushcraft is a set of skills and knowledge that enable one to survive and thrive in the wilderness. Bushcraft skills can include starting fires, setting up camps, finding food and water, and making tools from natural materials. Bushcraft can foster a deep connection to nature and facilitate survival in the wilderness. However, it requires extensive training and practice to use these skills safely and effectively. Bushcraft is often seen as a positive engagement with nature, but can also be seen as excessive or unnecessary, depending on context and community.


Prepping (from "prepper," to prepare) refers to systematic preparation for potential disasters, including stockpiling food, water, and other supplies, and planning for various emergency scenarios.

Prepping can help build resilience in times of crisis and increase a sense of security. However, it can also encourage an excessive focus on negative scenarios and disaster thinking. That being said, prepping is not easy - if one assumes survival in catastrophic conditions, one would need to plan very comprehensively, even minor oversights or material shortages would jeopardize survival (medications, water treatment, fuel, etc)

Prepping is often associated with extremism or paranoia, although many preppers argue that it is simply responsible preparedness. Societal perceptions vary widely and can range from admiration to ridicule.

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