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Dog does not listen to call - Targeted recall training

Gunfinder Magazine

If the dog doesn't come back to the owner on recall, it can quickly become embarrassing - in the worst case, even dangerous. We have the best tips from professional dog trainers on how to train your dog to come back on command. Recall is one of the most important commands for your four-legged friend, and owners who haven't trained this command are often called "dog dorks" - stop that now!


Choose a clear signal

Unclear signals can cause a dog not to listen to commands. A clear and consistent signal is essential for recall so that the dog can make a connection between the signal he hears and the desired action. Many owners use the word "come" as a command, but it may not be clear enough because it is also used in other situations, such as in a playful or prompting manner or in conjunction with another signal. Therefore, dog whistles are popular as signaling devices among many dog owners because the same whistle can be used every time and the dog clearly associates it with an action. Therefore, if your dog does not listen to commands, you should first choose an exclusive signal.


Choose body language that matches the recall

Your body language is the key to showing your dog what you want! For example, if you walk down to a puppy and invite him in by crouching down, that's great! Or, if you run away when your dog calls, he'll definitely get a desire to come along. But if the dog is distracted and doesn't listen, call him and run away from him. But be careful: if you run up to him while grabbing his collar, it can be scary for him and prevent him from coming to you.


Choose an enticing reward

The tastier the reward, the faster your dog will come to you. Find out what your four-legged friend likes best and use it as a reward when he listens to you. But be careful not to use it too often, because if he only gets it when he listens to you, it's all the more valuable for him to come to you. And timing is everything! Have the reward already in hand when he comes to you. If you also help him eat at the collar, even holding him will be a positive experience.


Make clear announcements

Clear announcements are the key to getting your dog to listen to you. After all, you are the boss and you tell him what to do, not the other way around. Therefore, the recall signal must be unmistakable and clear. When calling, you must also sound clear and decisive. No sugar-sweet lure call here please! A clear signal also means that you move away quickly when he looks at you but does not come immediately. If you keep calling and waiting, you're giving him the wrong signal and matching him. This only gives him feedback that you are still there.


Practice is the key to success

Practice makes perfect - or rather a dog that listens to you. But don't worry, all beginnings are hard. In practice, it looks like this: Your dog is running around the meadow and you call him, following all the previous tips. And what happens? Nothing. But do not panic! The dog must first learn to associate the signal with a behavior. This won't happen right away, so start at home and practice in small steps. Ask someone to hold your dog, walk a few steps away, show him the reward and let him go. Your dog will run to you and at the same time you call him with the signal. When he is there, give him the reward and take him by the collar. Practice this in different places in the apartment, and eventually you will be able to do without the help and call him when he is lying somewhere. If this works well, you can try it outside and step by step your dog will learn to associate the signal with the behavior "I run quickly to my human".


Recall training on YouTube

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