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Ways to the hunting license

Gunfinder Magazine

Learning to hunt is also very much in vogue in the Corona year 2020 - after most schools had to suspend their teaching operations or switch to online teaching in March, most hunting schools have resumed their operations. There is a reason for this: in the meantime, twice as many young hunters join every year in Germany as ten years before. There are many reasons for this: Hunting is a sustainable occupation and serves many hunters in our time also as a deceleration, as a nature-loving antipole to the hectic everyday life. Before one can go hunting for the first time, however, the first hurdle is the hunter's exam and thus the question of how best to train as a hunter. Below are the most important questions about the hunting license and, above all, where to find the course that best suits you:

How much does the hunting license cost?

The course for the hunter's exam costs about 1500 -3000 euros, depending on which training provider and which course model the prospective young hunter chooses. Schools that offer short, compressed intensive courses are usually somewhat more expensive than traditional training centers such as associations, county hunting associations or clubs, whose evening courses, however, also extend over several months. In addition to the training, hunting liability insurance must be taken out (approx. 80 euros for three years), and the hunting license also costs approx. 70-90 euros per year at the Lower Hunting Authority.

What courses are there for the hunting license?

Although it is not compulsory in all federal states, it is still highly recommended to take a course at a hunting school or a district hunting association to prepare for the hunter's exam. Most hunting schools offer different courses, e.g. so-called compact courses, which extend over a period of 3 - 4 continuous weeks. Alternatively, there are weekend courses, where the lessons take place over the weekends of about three months. Traditional training centers such as county hunting associations usually offer evening courses, which can last up to a year, but are also very practical. Corona in particular has forced many hunting schools to be flexible in recent months, and now many courses are also offered online or as blocks.

How does the training for the hunting license work, how much effort is necessary?

In most German states, a minimum amount of classroom time and practical shooting training is required. In Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, for example, 130 hours of instruction must be completed in order to be admitted to the examination. The minimum recommended by the German Hunting Association is 100 hours of theory training. Most of the training takes place through theoretical lessons at the hunting school, and the shooting training takes place at the shooting range. However, since hunting is a practical craft, it is important that practical sessions are also included in the curriculum. For example, building raised hide or breaking up game should definitely be learned through practical application as well, or at least an impression should be given. In fact, there are hunting schools where practical game breaking is not taught in the lessons.

What is the content of the training?

The hunter's examination is often colloquially called the "Green Baccalaureate" - the reason is the large amount of content that must be mastered by the hunters during the hunter's examination and the later practice of hunting, in order to be able to engage constructively in nature. Very important is first of all the shooting training and the weapon knowledge, in which beside the weapon technology above all legal topics are in the focus. Furthermore, safety regulations, care and proper storage are taught.

In addition to the proper handling of weapons, knowledge of the following subjects is essential for hunters:

General wildlife biology: specialized knowledge of the various animal species living in Germany, their habitat, nature conservation and ecology, as well as flora and the habitat inhabited by game.

Meat utilization and game diseases: Hunters must know how to utilize game after it has been shot and what hygiene standards must be met for this purpose. In addition, it is important to be able to recognize game diseases in order to be able to contain their spread on the one hand, and on the other hand to be able to put only flawless game meat into circulation.

Hounds: Which dogs are used for hunting and how? How are they to be kept, trained and educated?

Law: For hunters, a sound knowledge of hunting law and animal welfare is vital. Where is hunting allowed and under what conditions? What are the responsibilities of the hunter for the area he hunts and protects?

Huntingpractice: Hunting students learn what types of hunting there are and what equipment is required for them, how they have to keep game and what game may be shot. This also includes the organization of social hunts. Hunting traditions are also taught - hunting is a very old craft with a rich spectrum of customs and traditions that are worth preserving. In this sense also the Waidgerechtigkeit belongs to the hunt. So the respectful, tradition-conscious and above all safe hunting.

For many who begin to take an interest in hunting, the scope of the course content is initially daunting - however, one should not be discouraged by this. The courses are designed so that the material can be internalized. For many hunting students, the time of their training is a horizon- and worldview-expanding time that they enjoy and look back on fondly later.

What happens after passing the hunting exam?

In addition to passing the hunter's exam, a clean police record and proof of hunting liability insurance are required. Hunting liability insurance can be taken out online with most common insurance providers. The market leader in this area is Gothear. In order to verify the required reliability of the hunting license applicant, the lower hunting authority checks the police clearance certificate, which it requests independently. The duration of the verification process varies from state to state and can take up to 3 months.

Our tip: Apply for the hunting license before passing the hunter's exam, then the license can be solved shortly after passing the hunter's exam.

What does the hunting license entitle to?

The hunting license generally entitles the holder to hunt, provided that a hunting opportunity is available. In Germany, one is only eligible for a hunting license after completing the third full year of hunting, therefore either an own hunt is required or a hunting license - only through this prerequisite one is allowed to go hunting as a young hunter. Another popular option is to participate in social hunts.

The hunting license also entitles the holder to own weapons (for which a weapon ownership card is required) and to use them in connection with hunting. This can be on the one hand in a hunting ground, on the other hand also on the shooting range.

Most of the hunting schools integrate in the course the training for "knowledgeable person" - an additional certificate which enables to check and sell game meat.

What does the hunting license not entitle to?

The hunting license is not the same as the gun license. A gun license allows the holder to carry a weapon in public, for example for self-protection. This is expressly forbidden for hunters!

Where can I find the right course?

On our page Hunting almost all courses in Germany are listed and searchable through various filter functions so that the right course can be found with just a few clicks.

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