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Gunfinder Magazine

Predatory game is the term used to describe domestic predators that are subject to hunting laws. These are mainly fox, badger, raccoon, raccoon, nutria, stone marten, mink and otter. The predators lynx, wild cat, otter and wolf are also subject to hunting rights, but these animals are protected throughout the year.

The game species that can be hunted are usually well adapted to life in our cultural landscape and develop high stocking numbers without hunting, which is why intensive hunting is necessary: on the one hand in the sense of disease prevention, and on the other hand to protect small game, primarily small mammals and ground-nesting birds.

Particularly adaptable game species such as raccoon, mink and raccoon dog are bejagbrr all year round and only leading parent animals are temporarily exempt from sharp hunting.

For hunting of predatory game it is recommended to use a hide and especially trap hunting.

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