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The right binoculars

Gunfinder Magazine

Which are the right binoculars for hunting?

Which binocular is best depends on the intended use. A higher performance in terms of magnification on the one hand and a higher twilight number on the other hand are always accompanied by a higher weight. Depending on how you want to hunt, optical performance or handiness weighs heavier.

In general, binoculars can be divided into three broadly defined categories:

Daytime binoculars are used from dawn to dusk. An objective aperture of 32 mm is sufficient for this purpose, and 10x or even 12x magnification is recommended.

For daytime glasses, an objective aperture of maximum 32 mm is sufficient. The magnification can be up to 10x, or even up to 12x. If the binoculars are to be used for long hiking tours, the main argument is that they are easy to handle - no one wants to hang a heavy, unwieldy piece of equipment around their neck during a strenuous climb. Pocket binoculars are best suited for such activities associated with sports and exercise. Pocket binoculars fold up small to fit even in shirt and pants pockets. However, it is also more difficult to hold lightweight binoculars steady. If the binoculars are used for a longer time to look at something in detail, as is the case at concerts or events, for example, models with a larger objective aperture are recommended because this creates a larger exit pupil. A larger exit pupil is much more comfortable for the eye.

Glasses with a classic 8x magnification and an objective aperture of 42 mm are called universal glasses. For hunting, they are usually the smallest models considered, since they can still be used at dusk, and dusk is the main hunting time for most hunters. While it is also suitable for raised hide, the great strength of binoculars lies in their comparatively light weight and handiness, which is why they are ideal for stalking.

Night binoculars are heavier than universal binoculars and are equipped with significantly larger objectives. This makes it possible to see details in the observation area even in moonlight. Night binoculars start at an objective aperture of about 50 mm. Due to their demanding field of application, night binoculars must be of the highest quality, and they are usually the most expensive binoculars.

What do you have to spend for a good pair of binoculars?

As with all products, there are virtually no upper limits to the prices of binoculars. Premium models of the most renowned manufacturers such as Swarovski or Zeiss easily cost several thousand euros, but also offer unsurpassed top performance. However, hunting glasses suitable for everyday use can also be purchased for lower prices. Models from Steiner, for example, are not as expensive, but have won over generations of hunters with their high quality. With young hunters the money for equipment is usually still scarce, for the entrance fulfill also Binoculars up to 150 Euro quite their purpose in Ansitz and stalking.

What does "field of view" mean?

Field of view" (e.g. 100 m / 1000 m) describes the area that can be viewed at a distance of 1000 m without swiveling the glass - i.e. the area that is captured by the glass at this distance. The field of view becomes smaller as the magnification of the binoculars increases. Although you can see more details with a large magnification once you have the object you want to observe in the field of view, it is more difficult to find the object at all with a small field of view. If the object is also moving, it is especially difficult and a lower magnification would be advantageous.

How do you distinguish between twilight power and twilight number?

A high twilight performance gives information about the overall performance of the opto-mechanical system in twilight or low residual light. This performance takes into account the size of objective apertures, the amount of brilliance, contrast performance, materials from which the binoculars are made, and more.

The twilight factor is a precise value which can be calculated and which, up to a 10x magnification and a large objective lens diameter, can give an indication of whether a pair of binoculars is suitable for night use. However, the value does not represent all qualitative characteristics of a binocular. The formula for twilight figure is calculated as the "square root of the product of magnification and objective lens diameter" - the larger the twilight figure, the better. It is usually between 5 and 25, and night binoculars should have at least 15.

What is image brightness in binoculars?

The amount of light that can enter the glass is determined by the size of the objectives. To prevent stray light from affecting the straight light, the coating tries to filter out the stray light. The transmission indicates how much of the light that enters the binoculars through the objectives comes out again at the eyepieces. Good binoculars and telescopes achieve a transmission of 90-95%.

Which binoculars are the right ones depends mainly on the type of hunting you are aiming for. Our recommendation is to start with an inexpensive model and then explore your own preferences. Those who mainly stalk will hardly be satisfied with heavy night binoculars for this purpose. On the other hand, those who stalk sows in the moonlight will not be satisfied with a light stalking glass. An overview of the best deals is best found in our Gunfinder search, or platforms like eGun, Auctronia or Jagdwelt24.

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