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Mehr als 400.000 Angebote von über 130 Partnern

Sell inherited Guns

We will make you a non-binding offer

It's this easy


Fill out the form and receive an offer in no time.


Secure shipping at our expense: We will send you all the documents you need to ship the gun.


As soon as we have received the gun and checked it, you will receive your money.

Advantages at a glance

Non-binding: Get an offer quickly
Stress-free: No lengthy negotiations and dubious offers
Safe: We take care of the documents and bureaucracy
We buy almost all types of legal guns
Get the final sales price directly from home
Instant transfer of the agreed price
Frequently Asked Questions

Inherited guns - what now?

First of all, it is important that you inform the responsible firearms authority about the inheritance. You can find out which authority is responsible for you online or at the public order office or the police station in your place of residence. It is very important that the authorities are informed - otherwise a fine may incur! Once you have informed the authorities, you can decide whether you want to sell or keep the inherited firearms. If you decide to keep the guns from the estate, you must apply for a gun ownership card or, if you are a hunter or marksman, have it entered in your permit (WBK). If you do not have gun ownership yourself, you must have the guns disabled if you wish to keep them. If you would like to sell the firearms from the estate, you can sell them on Gunfinder or sell them directly to us. We recommend the second method because it is safe, fair and, above all, simple - in just a few steps you have sold the firearms in accordance with the law.

How to sell guns that I inherited?

Wenn du die Erbwaffen verkaufen möchtest, gibt es auf Gunfinder zwei Möglichkeiten. Zum Einen kannst du ein kostenloses Inserat für die Waffe auf Gunfinder veröffentlichen und sie so einer großen Zahl an Jägern und Schützen anbieten. Bis du die Waffe so verkaufst kann allerdings etwas Zeit vergehen. Möchtest du die geerbten Waffen sofort verkaufen, empfehlen wir dir unsere Ankauf-Funktion: Du schickst uns ein Bild deiner Waffe sowie eine kurze Beschreibung und wir machen dir innerhalb von 1-2 Tagen ein unverbindliches Angebot. Wenn du das Angebot annimmst, lassen wir die scharfe Waffe zu einem passenden Termin abholen und überweisen dir sofort das Geld. Nicht-scharfe Waffen werden mit DHL verschickt. Du musst lediglich die Waffe, die Waffenbesitzkarte und das Stammdatenblatt bereithalten - wo du dieses bekommst erfährst du hier. Außerdem bekommst du von uns eine Übernahmeerklärung, mit der du den Verkauf der Waffenbehörde melden kannst.

Can I sell multiple guns directly?

You inherited a whole gun collection? No problem, we can buy guns individually or the entire estate as a collection. Get your offer within a day. If you photograph several guns at once, you should make sure that all of them are clearly visible. If you have any questions, you can also contact our service team at any time, we will be happy to help you.

What documents do I need to purchase a gun?

To sell the gun, you only need the gun owner's license and the so called master data sheet (German: Stammdatenblatt). The master data sheet is an excerpt from the national firearms register (NWR), which you can get from the responsible authorities on request.

More about direct selling