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Why does my dog bark at other dogs?

Gunfinder Magazine

Reasons and causes for barking


Barking to increase distance

Most dogs that bark at other dogs want to create a distance increase. This happens because of the restriction on the leash, which does not allow the four-legged friends to avoid some encounters. In such cases, they often have no choice but to bark.


Territorial aggression

Some dogs bark due to territorial aggression. They want to defend their territory and resources (food, toys, treats) and drive away unwanted intruders. This can manifest itself in barking, growling, and tearing at the leash.


How do I know why my dog is barking?

To find out why your dog is barking at other dogs, it's important to observe the behavior closely. Characteristics such as barking, growling and tearing at the leash indicate territorial aggression, while fearfulness or insecurity may be indicated by body language signals such as trembling, ducking or hiding the tail. An experienced dog trainer can help you identify the behavior and find a solution to your dog's barking.


How can you stop the barking?

If you are a dog owner who wants to stop your four-legged friend's unwanted barking, there are some tips and tricks you can try:

In summary, barking at other dogs is a common and normal part of communication among four-legged friends. However, as a dog owner, you can reduce or eliminate unwanted barking through socialization, training and behavior modification.

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