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Leaf shot

Gunfinder Magazine

A blade shot is a shot that hits the chamber in the area of the shoulder blades, i.e. through the upper front legs. The chamber refers to the chest of the game. Strictly speaking, however, hunters try not to hit through the front legs, but just behind them, so as not to destroy valuable game from the front legs. Therefore, it is often referred to as a chamber shot.

By hitting the chamber, the projectile destroys the heart and lungs, causing the animal to die either immediately, or within a few seconds due to the collapse of the lungs and the drop in blood pressure.

A leaf or chambered shot minimizes the suffering of the game, ideally speaking the game never heard the bang of the shot. However, despite perfectly applied leaf or chamber shots, escape distances of up to several hundred meters cannot be ruled out - a few seconds until death occurs can be enough for the game to overcome these escape distances.

This fact is the subject of numerous discussions among hunters about the right type of ammunition and the best caliber.

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